Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Giving’s Greatest Reward

, Excerpt from an article in BNI SuccessNet

Recently, someone at a Leadership Team Training Meeting asked me, "Gordie, how come you know so many people?"
"Because every day, I make it my point to introduce two people to each other," I said.
Absolutely nothing is more energizing than bringing two strangers together for their mutual benefit. At first it was challenging, but once I got the hang of it, it became easier. Before long, it was second nature. Weekly soon became daily.
Bringing two strangers together for their mutual benefit is really about "paying it forward"—or Givers Gain. It's my daily good deed. Accomplishing this simple assignment is exhilarating and energizing.
People never forget who brought them together, especially when some good comes from the introduction. The result: they most often voluntarily reciprocate.
As you "pay it forward," introducing your friends to each other, remember to never ask for anything in return; do it because it's the right thing to do, and do it daily. Paying it forward will then pay off big.
Every new member sponsorship is a ballot to win a trip to Hilton Head.

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