Friday, August 12, 2011

Letting Folks Know About Your Referral Partners

There are a number of great ways to let people know about your referral network. I’ve been working with referral groups for 15 years and these activities get results. They're designed to make it easy for you to open conversations about your referral partners. See if one, or two, might work for you.

If you have a retail/office/reception space:
Display your BNI colleagues’ business cards with an invitation to your clients or patients to have a look through them. The display could be a simple binder or an elaborate wall-mounted card holder – whichever is most appropriate in your space.

If you complete paperwork while your clients wait:
Give you client your BNI card caddy and invite them to look through it in case they need the services/products of any of your colleagues. Let them know you’d be pleased to make the connection.

If you send invoices to your clients:
Include a list of your referral partners with the invoice. You can print a simple listing from the website as With a note, let your clients know that this is a list of your preferred referral partners and you’d be happy to introduce them.

 If you communicate with your clients by email:
Add a link to your BNI chapter website or your chapter listing at to your signature. Let you clients know that you would be happy to connect them to your trusted referral partners.

If you have a website:
Set up a page highlighting your preferred referral partners, or link to their pages.

If you use online networking sites like LinkedIn or Facebook:
Share testimonials about your BNI referral partners. Link to their sites.

These are just a few examples of how you can keep your referral partners actively top of mind with your contacts. After all, success in any referral network relies on consistent, proactive word of mouth.

Let us know which one you’ll try.

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