This Showcase is also a networking event, so bring your business cards. Networking is one of the first steps to creating profitable referral relationships. Paula’s going to let us know about the rest of the process.
Paula Hope, President of the Referral Institute - Peel-Halton, will speak about “Creating Referrals for Life”. Paula’s mission is to ensure that all business professionals develop an effective Word-Of-Mouth marketing plan in order that they may generate a personal system for creating referrals for life. With a Word-of-Mouth plan and their own diligence, business professionals will find that the 34% closing rate generated by referrals can result in doubling their business within a year.
Don’t miss Paula’s sessions.
And visit the outstanding companies exhibiting at the BNI Showcase 2011 at Glen Abby Golf Course in Oakville on January 20th. The showcase starts at 2:00 pm and goes ‘til 7:00 pm. If you want to go, register yourself (and your guests) at click on the corporate connections link above. Attendance is free if you pre-register. Check out the story about the Showcase in the January issue of SNAP Milton and SNAP Oakville .
Looking forward to seeing you on the 20th.
Time Presenter
3:00 Tanya Staples, ExecuCorp Canada
3:30 Paula Hope, Referral Institute
Cory Haynes, Alma Consulting
4:00 Renée Brisson-Khan, RBK Artworks
4:30 Judi Johnstone, First Vancouver Finance
Mike Draper, Growth Advisors
5:00 Paula Hope, Referral Institute
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