Friday, February 22, 2013

Attract and Retain Referral Partners

A BNI member asked BNI Founder, Dr. Misner how to combine attracting and retaining new members with passing high-quality referrals. Here are the three keys:


BNI works best when you use the whole system as outlined in the manuals. If you remover pieces, the whole thing will fall apart.


How many referrals is the chapter giving? How many do we want to be giving? Are they high-quality referrals? Are members attending?


Culture eats strategy for breakfast. The attitude of the group, the way it behaves, the way it feels when you walk into it. If people are laughing and enjoying their meeting and following the system, they have a healthy culture. One person can ruin a group’s culture.

System, accountability and culture are three crucial keys to attracting and keeping the right referral partners. On a scale of 1 to 10 where does you chapter fit? With a few tweaks all chapters can be an 8+.

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