Thursday, December 6, 2012


Over the next few weeks, your chapter will be creating a new Leadership Team to take over chapter management at the end of this tenure on April 1, 2013.

Managing a successful BNI chapter takes input and participation from everyone. Although your President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer are the folks at the front of the room, they can’t run everything without your help. In BNI, the management roles are designed so that with a little extra effort for each role, all the roles combine to run a profitable, successful referral chapter.
Which means everyone takes a role – even if it’s a role without title. Like any team, we’re all responsible for our chapter’s success.

Our most successful and profitable chapters have effective Presidents, Vice Presidents and Secretary/Treasurers, it’s true, but additional roles are equally important to a chapter’s success.
Active and visible Visitor Hosts are a crucial role in all chapters. When visitors have a positive experience they do business with BNI members and may even become a member themselves. A fully functioning Membership Committee supports chapter productivity for everyone. There are 4-5 active roles on every Membership Committee and they exist to help you get the greatest Return on Investment from your BNI participation.

A well-prepared Education Coordinator ensures that member’s receive ongoing BNI referral education which increases referral value. Our Event Coordinator ensures we have fun together making for stronger relationships. Our chapter Mentors help our new, and experienced, members get the most, and more, from their BNI membership.

Please take a few minutes to think about which leadership/management role you would like to take for 2013; especially if you haven’t yet had the opportunity to take an official role.
A successful team takes all of us.